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Senior Citizens' Representation

Zum Vorstand (2016 bis 2021) der Seniorenvertretung in der Stadt Lingen gehören: (Bild von links) Johannes Thelen, Jürgen Dietrich, Meta Scharf, Johannes Ripperda, Brigitte Brüggmann, Heinz Feldmann, Ursula Ramelow, Walter Ahlrichs, Edeltraud Sänger, Gustav Dietrich und als Erste Vorsitzende Ingrid Hermes.

In the Senior Citizens' Representation elected representatives of the elderly are involved in their own cause: The senior citizens' representation aims to network interest groups, promotes communication and cooperation as well as the activation and self-determination of senior citizens and works to improve their living situation in Lingen.

Senior Citizens´ Representation (the link is only available in German).

Foto's van boven naar benden: ©Richard Heskamp